Workout After Meal – Simple Routine After Eating Food

7 years ago

So did the thought of exercising after a meal ever cross your mind?

You probably dismissed as ridiculous, right? But I’m here to tell you that you CAN work out after eating food. And this new workout is the perfect example of that.

Doing simple body-weight exercises can improve your circulation, stimulate digestion and tell your body that’ you’re physically active and you need energy for this.

And where does the energy come from? Correct – from the food you eat. So if you exercise consistently after dinner or lunch… your body will start understanding that it doesn’t need to store the energy as fat – but rather, it needs to spend it and burn it all.

Remember, this is a complementary workout to your routine. You should keep training consistently 4-5 days per week to make sure you burn all the calories you get from food.

Good luck and stay healthy, energized and lean!


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