Wondering how to burn calories after you’ve eaten junk and a fatty meal? Today’s exercises will help you get rid of unwanted calories and fat you get from burgers, pizza, snacks or candy!
Everyday your body receives new calories from the food you eat. If you don’t use them, they will be converted to fat and will settle under your skin and in different places in your body!
And this is where today’s workout will come to help you. In 14 minutes you will be doing effective calorie-burning exercises, designed to be done after every meal you have.
- Leg Kicks
- Lunges
- Slow Burpees
- Slow Mountain Climber
- Rise and Plie
- Forward Jump
- Knee Push Ups
- Squat and Kick
- Super Mans
- Squat
Good luck and let’s begin the exercise and be sure to perform it regularly everyday if you want to see results!