No-Jumping Stomach Fat Burner: 18 Easy Home Exercises

4 days ago

This low-impact workout is designed to burn your belly fat while staying gentle on your joints. It features 16 simple exercises that work your abs, obliques and core while also boosting your flexibility and stability. Whether you’re a beginner or just looking for a quick routine, this one is for you.

We’ll start with warm-ups like Torso Twists and Body Rotations to get your muscles ready. Next is some core activation with moves like Windmills, Side Bends and Diagonal Abs to target your core and obliques. Stability and edurance follow with exercises like Bird Dog, Planks and Reverse crunches to build core strength and balance. Lastly, we will do some Russian Twists, U Boat Crunches and some Knee Tuck Crunches, ensuring that you will get some fat-burning action on your belly.

This routine is really effective when you stay consistent, you’ll be on your way to a stronger core and a fitter you. Good luck and have fun! ❤️💪

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