Improve Focus with Breathing | 9-Minute Calm & Focus Routine

4 months ago

If staying focused and calm has been a bit tough lately on your day-to-day scenario, or if you’re feeling sore from a previous workout, this quick 9-minute routine might be just what you need. This gentle workout combines easy stretches with deep, steady breathing to help you feel more centered and relaxed.

Each move here is simple, but it does the trick. As you settle into each stretch and keep a calm, rhythmic breath, you’ll notice your muscles start to release tension. Just go slowly and tune in to your breathing then let each exhale carry away any stress from your day-to-day life. Your body will thank you doing this. I have been doing this workout routine too whenever I’m feeling stressed or overwhelmed with my daily tasks in life and now I’m sharing it with you. 

Enjoy this stretching and relaxing exercise routine as you go on your daily life and allow this to help you become more relaxed and focused. I do hope that this workout routine can help you relieve the stress that you are feeling.Good luck and have fun! ❤️💪

**Don’t forget to share your experience and progress in the comment section. If you want to be notified when I upload a new video, make sure to subscribe to our channel. I upload new videos everyday from Monday to Saturday!


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