Half an Hour Weight Loss: Full Body

5 years ago

Today’s workout is not for the faint of heart! This is a 30-min full body workout that’s complete with easy and intensive that will burn your fat and calories in one challenging workout session!

This is a full-body exercise which means that you’re going to completely rely on your body’s capability and your own strength to do each and every exercise. This will test your endurance as you improve your metabolism and heart rate as you lose your excess weight.

This is an amazing workout for everyone to try. Of course newbies are welcome but note that since this runs for 30 minutes, there’s a huge possibility of muscle and body pain especially if you’re not used to exercising. Physically active people may already find this challenging, more so if you’re a beginner! Do this exercise 3-4x a week for the best results.

Good luck and let’s begin the workout!❤️💪


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