Gentle Impact-Free Belly Fat Loss with Standing Exercises

3 months ago

Here’s a standing workout that targets belly fat without straining your knees. It’s an awesome mix of core, strength and stability to help you keep that belly fat in check and get stronger overall.

We’re doing core-targeting moves like Waist Pinchers, Standing Crunches, and Torso Rotations, along with some lower body exercises like Step-Back Jacks and Calf Raises to keep your legs moving. Don’t forget upper body work like Arm Circles and Overhead Reaches that help tone your arms and shoulder while improving your balance.

Starting with some gentle warm-up Victory Squats to get your core engaged and finishing cool-down stretches like Side Bends and Forward Calf Raises to stretch out your body and improve circulation.

This routine is great for your posture, flexibility, and balance, all while working on burning that stubborn belly fat. Keep pushing for your goals, and stay motivated. Good luck and happy workout! ❤️💪

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