4 years ago
11 Best Tummy and Back Fat Exercises - Reduce Back, Abdominal Fat

One of the most visible and unattractive fat in our body can be found in our core area. Some people have gained belly fat due to pregnancy and an unhealthy lifestyle and it’s an unfortunate situation to be in. Be that as it may, you can always do something about those fats in that you can perform exercises and eat a healthy diet to achieve your body goals!

  • Body Rotation
  • Diagonal Abs Right and Left
  • Knee Raises
  • Knee Drive
  • Knee Tuck Crunch
  • Reach Through
  • Reverse Crunch Extension
  • Swing Backs
  • Swimmers
  • Super Mans
  • Windmill

These 11 exercises are extremely helpful in bringing out your ab muscles. These will gently and surely burn layers of belly and back fat until those amazing ab muscles become visible! Done on a regular basis, these exercises will really give you the most amazing results in just a few weeks of regular workout.

Good luck and let’s begin the workout!❤️💪


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