13 Best Flat Tummy Exercises At Home

5 years ago

Summer is just around the corner! That being said I know a lot of you are worried about the excess body fat you’ve gained over the winter and are looking for ways to get a slimmer and more toned body in the easiest and most efficient way!

The efficient way to lose body fat is by working out daily at home without spending for gym membership (and of course the discipline to eat the right kind of food!).

In today’s workout, I am going to help you burn excess tummy fat in order to achieve a flat and well-toned belly. These core exercises will help you achieve your summer body goals just in time for bikini season!

  • Diagonal Abs Right and Left
  • Hip Swirls
  • Knee Tuck Crunch
  • Reach Through
  • Flutter Kicks
  • Russian Twist
  • Heel Touch
  • Side Bends
  • Squat Arm Lifts
  • Body Extensions
  • Side Plank Pulse Right 
  • Side Plank Pulse Left 
  • Reverse Crunches

Do this workout as often as you can and commit to it. That is your only way to ensure success. Eat a healthy diet, too, and stay away from sugar and grains. Good luck and let’s begin the workout!❤️💪


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