Get Slim Waist: 11 Best Exercises To Do At Home

5 years ago

Getting a slim waist is not easy but it’s definitely doable if you put your mind into it! With easy exercises that you can do at home, even when you don’t use any workout equipment, you’ll be surprised at the changes your body will achieve!

Home workout is a huge thing now because it makes weight loss so much easier and convenient! Imagine no longer having to go to the gym and yet you’re still losing just about the same amount of calories as you do in a fitness center–amazing, right?

Here are the routines included in today’s belly fat workout training:

  • Heel Touch
  • Bridge
  • Side Leg Raise Right and Left
  • Side Plank Pulse Left and Right
  • Russian Twist
  • Knee Tuck Crunch
  • Reach Through
  • Reverse Crunches
  • Plank
  • Thigh Lifts Right and Left
  • Scissor Kicks

As you see, these exercises will help target your core but also, it helps in working other parts of your body as well. That means that while your body is working to burn body fat, it is also helping to reduce excess fat all over your body–a total win-win!

Good luck and if you want to see results in about 3-4 weeks, make sure to exercise everyday with this video. Let’s get started!💪❤️


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