8 Simple Exercises That Burn Twice The Fat Of Running

6 years ago

Running (or jogging) is a cardio activity. Every time we run, our heart pumps blood throughout the rest of our bodies quicker than most exercises. Makes it even faster to burn calories and lose weight! But hitting the pavement is just one of the many cardio options that you have. While it’s fun, and for some it’s relaxing, to go out for a run, there are some who can’t. If you’re battling an injury, or the weather’s not cooperating, or you’re just feeling a little lazy, that’s ok. Because there are exercises that you can do at home that can equate to running and can actually burn twice the fat!

Jumping Jacks
Tricep Dip Kicks
Knee Push Ups
Squat and Kick
T Push Ups
Plank Jacks
Mountain Climber

Here are your other cardio options for when you can go for a run outside or on a treadmill. I have compiled these routine in today’s workout video as your alternative to jogging. These exercises help improve your strength, endurance, core power, and it builds a strong lower, even upper, body. All of these exercises are total-body exercises and will get your heart working to its max.

Good luck and I hope you keep exercising even when you’re just at home and can’t go on your usual run!


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