8 Best Exercises To Lose Arm Fat Fast At Home

6 years ago

If you want to get skinnier arms without going to a gym or using any special equipment, weights or hardware then today’s video workout is for you.

It contains 8 of the best body-weight exercises you can do in your room to lose arm fat. Here’s the list:

1. Arm Circles
2. Jumping Jacks
3. Knee Pushups
4. Tricep Dips
5. Up Up Down Down
6. Plank Slaps
7. Lateral Arm Circles
8. Plank

Combined, all these exercises will help you burn calories, work your arm muscles and lose arm fat FAST at home.

Remember that you need to exercise everyday with this workout if you want to see results with your arms.

Good luck and let’s begin the training!


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