7 Min Burn Lower Belly Fat Workout – Stomach Flattening Exercises

6 years ago

Most of our body’s problem, and insecurity, lies in the center of our body. Our core. That big bulge in our stomach area where the fat deposits rest! And it’s not just women who have this or feel this way, men have this, too, because this is a product of years of unhealthy eating and sedentary lifestyle. We can’t get rid of it fast and easy but there is a quick workout we can do everyday, anywhere we are.

Now in order to burn belly fat and get a well-toned tummy, we need to first trace where it started and remedy it from there. Is it by eating too much and sitting down right after? Is it eating fatty foods? Is it the lack of exercise? Once you figure out what’s been causing your weight gain and the increase of excess fat in your body, next thing you have to do is to start a lifestyle change.

That’s where today’s workout comes in. To burn that belly fat, you need to perform exercises that will burn not only your stomach fat, but also the excess fat in our body. You should do exercises that strengthen your core muscles, too, so that you will not only lose stomach fat, you will help get your body in the right perspective as well.

Are you ready to start losing belly fat and fit in body-hugging clothes once again? Then let’s get started!❤️💪


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