50 Knee Tuck Crunches Challenge

7 years ago

What are Knee Tuck Crunches?

Knee Tuck Crunches are useful for targeting the entire abdominal region, including the upper, lower, and oblique portions of the core.

Sometimes called “thrusters”, knee tuck crunches are performed by sitting on the floor with the arms slightly behind the hips to provide stability. Both legs are then extended in front of the body and “tucked” back in towards the chest, providing a powerful abdominal burn that elevates the heart rate.

Lower back and hip flexor muscles are also engaged to provide stability to this movement. Most importantly, knee tuck crunches can be easily modified by bringing one leg in at a time, making them great for exercisers of all fitness levels.

How to Perform Knee Tuck Crunches:

  1. Sit on a cushioned surface (mat, towel, or blanket can be placed under the tailbone for added comfort)
  2. Place hands slightly behind the hips, fingertips facing the buttocks or sides of the room (depending on arm length, the optimal hand-hip ratio will vary; hands should be placed so stability is felt during the movement)
  3. Bring both knees towards the chest
  4. Straighten and lower both legs while simultaneously leaning the torso backwards (keep the chin off the chest, neck in neutral alignment (not pitched forward or backward))
  5. Straighten legs as far and low as the back will comfortably allow
  6. Immediately bring the knees and torso back together, returning to starting position
  7. Repeat for desired number of repetitions

Note: This movement can be modified by bringing one leg in at a time

Muscles Activated:

Abdominalsinternal oblique, external oblique, rectus abdominis, transverse abdominis

Lower Back – external oblique, internal oblique, serratus posterior inferior, erector spinae, latissimus dorsi

Hip Flexor – psoas major, iliacus, piriformis, pectineus, tensor fascia latae, adductor longus, adductor brevis, gracilis

Watch the full 50 Knee Tuck Crunches Challenge on Youtube here. Good luck and let’s get started with the challenge! ❤💪


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