50 Heel Touch Chalenge

7 years ago

What are Heel Touches?

Heel Touches (also known as “squirms” or “ankle grabbers”) are a great exercise to tone and strengthen the abdominal muscles, particularly the oblique muscles, which run along the sides of the torso.

Performed by lying supine, lifting the shoulders and head off the ground, and tapping the outside of the ankles with the hands, this movement is deceptively simple.

Fans of heel touches often rave that this exercise quickly brings a delicious burning sensation to the upper, lower, and oblique areas, making it a great movement for chiseling the waistline.

This movement also engages and tones the muscles of the lower back. Best of all, this exercise is low-impact and easy to learn, making it a great movement for exercisers of all levels.

How to Perform Heel Touches:

  1. Lie supine (face upwards) on a comfortable, supportive surface, with arms at the sides of the torso
  2. Engaging the core muscles, lift the head, neck, and shoulders off the ground (lower back should remain in contact with the ground; think about pulling the navel down towards the spine to keep the core engaged)
  3. Keeping the head, neck, and shoulders off the ground (chin off the chest), lean to the side until the hand reaches the ankle
  4. Tap the ankle and repeat movement on the opposite side
  5. Repeat continuously for desired number of reps

Note: For an additional challenge, reach hand to grab the inside of the ankle before repeating on the opposite side

Muscles Activated:

Abdominalsinternal oblique, external oblique, rectus abdominis, transverse abdominis

Lower Back – external oblique, latissimus dorsi, serratus posterior inferior, erector spinae


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