What is Bridge?
The Bridge is a simple (yet extremely effective) exercise that targets and tones the hips and buttocks. Performed by lying supine on the floor and lifting the buttocks off the ground, this classic exercise requires no equipment and has become common practice in body sculpting and barre classes.
While the hips and buttocks are the primary target of this exercise, this movement also activates muscles in the inner thighs, lower back, abdominals, and shins.
Best of all, the bridge is a versatile exercise that can be made more challenging by adding pulses or a weight to the pelvis, making it perfect for exercisers of all levels.
How to Perform a Bridge:
- Begin by lying supine (face upwards) on the floor (place a mat or towel underneath the body for comfort)
- Position feet so that the ankle bones are directly beneath the knees, rest arms (palms down) along the sides of the body, and rest head comfortably on the floor
- Lift the buttocks off the floor by engaging the muscles of the hips and buttocks (concentrate on pushing the floor away with the heels and squeezing the buttocks muscles)
- Raise the buttocks as high as it is comfortable (do not strain the lower back)
- After raising the hips and squeezing the buttocks muscles for a beat, lower the hips back towards the floor, but do not rest the buttocks on the floor (stop lowering just before the buttocks touches the floor)
- Immediately lift the hips again and repeat this exercise for the desired number of reps
Muscles Activated:
Buttocks – gluteus minimus, gluteus medius, gluteus maximus
Hips – piriformis, tensor fascia latae, psoas minor, psoas major
Inner Thighs – gracilis, adductor brevis, adductor magnus, adductor longus
Lower Back – latissimus dorsi, serratus anterior, erector spinae
Abdominals – internal oblique, external oblique, rectus abdominis, transverse abdominis
Shins – tibialis anterior
Perform the 50 Bridge challenge video workout anywhere you want, including at home. Bridge is an exercise that cannot be avoided if you want to grow a bigger and more round butt. Good luck!