30 Days To Slim Waist Challenge

6 years ago

Losing stubborn fat around your belly can be a difficult task. But if you follow a balanced diet and include exercise everyday in your routine, you’ll have a good chance of getting a slimmer, sexier body and dropping off the belly fat!

If you want to get a smaller waist and you are willing to work out, you may want to try today’s workout video. This is a 30-day challenge for 13 minutes everyday that will work out your core to create a well-toned midsection.

These are all simple body-weight exercises will help you to:

1. Burn fat around the waist line area

2. Train your abs/obliques muscles to make them leaner and more toned.

The result will be a smaller and leaner waist that give you a more attractive, balanced look for your core! No equipment needed for this workout. It all depends on your strength and body weight.

Are you ready to do this workout everyday? Make sure to do so to achieve your desired result in 30 days! Good luck and let’s get started!❤️💪


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