When you live a sedentary lifestyle and you continue eating a lot without staying active or exercising, you won’t be able to control where your body will store fat deposits.
Many people have an issue with back fat just as much as we have an issue with other fat deposits in our bodies. And with women, there’s a tendency to see something called a bra bulge, somewhere on our backs or below the bra, which is not a pleasant sight!
But you know what, the solution to back fat is simple: daily workout with very specific exercises!
Today’s video workout is a 30-day challenge that consists of all body-weight exercises and compiled in a 13-minute video. And since this is a 30-day challenge, I recommend that you do this on a daily basis to start burning fat in your back area. Not only will this help eliminate the fat in your back, this will also help burn calories all over your body and make your back muscles stronger.
Perform these exercises everyday and you’ll see the difference in just a month–or less! But remember to be diligent! Good luck!