14 Exercises to Sculpt Glutes and Melt Love Handles Fast

1 month ago

Want to build strong glutes and trim your waist at the same time? This no-equipment home workout combines strength, toning, and cardio to help you sculpt lean muscle while burning stubborn fat. Perfect for women looking for an alternative routine that can be done anywhere.

Let’s start the routine by activating your glutes with Donkey Kicks, Bridges, and Curtsy Lunges, then we shift focus to do your core with Bicycle Crunches and Diagonal Abs. We follow it up with some High-energy moves like Burpees and Cross-Jump Jacks that will boost calorie burn and keep the intensity up.

With a mix of floor and standing exercises, this workout ensures a near full-body engagement for better results in less time. Stay consistent, and let’s get those muscles working. Always choose to have a healthy balanced diet for a more sustainable result. Good luck and have fun! ❤️💪

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