11 Exercises Better Than Running That Will Get You In Shape

5 years ago

Lots of people prefer to run or jog outside in order to burn calories and lose weight. And why not? Running is a great exercise to burn calories and lose weight. It boosts up your metabolism and improves your circulation. And in turn your body starts using up more of its stored energy. Not only that, the fresh air is good for your respiratory system, too!

But not everyone enjoys going out for a run. And while it’s good and fun for a while, some may soon find it more stressful than enjoyable and more of a task rather than a fun activity. And especially during this quarantine period where running outside is not an option, the best way to exercise is to do it at home with full body weight exercises!

That’s why today’s video is a workout challenge that you can do at home to effectively burn more fat and improve your metabolism. These 11 exercises are the best routines you can do as an alternative to running. These routines effectively burn fat without the need to leave the house or go to a gym.

  • Slow Burpees
  • Forward Jump
  • Walk Downs
  • Slow Mountain Climber
  • Leg Pulls
  • Squat Arm Lifts
  • T Push Ups
  • Body Extensions
  • Swimmers
  • Squat and Kick
  • Step Back Jacks

Think this workout is something you’d enjoy doing? If yes then now is the best time to get started! Let’s go!❤️💪


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