I understand how tempting it is to hit the snooze button and just extend your sleep in the morning. But believe me, when you choose to exercise rather than to stay in bed a little longer, your day, and your health, will be so much butter!
What you do in the morning has the best potential of dictating how your day is going to be. In fact, investing in your health by doing exercises in the morning can add benefits to your “good health bank”. That’s because everyday as you go along with your exercise, your health improves by giving you an increased metabolism, good blood circulation, regular calorie burn, and daily muscle strength.
All of these exercises are easy and best to do on a daily basis. It is recommended to allot 10 mins of exercise everyday to stay healthy according to WHO. Today’s workout is best to be done on a daily basis and they’re a combination of cardio and strength exercises to work your entire body from top to bottom and make sure that you burn fat from all aspects of your body!
Good luck and enjoy today’s workout!