10 Exercises That Burn More Fat Than Running

6 years ago

Lots of people are starting to run or jog outside, in order to burn calories and lose weight.

And don’t get me wrong, running is indeed a great exercise to do for burning more calories. It boosts up your metabolism and improves circulation. In turn your body starts using up more of its stored energy – fat deposit.

But not everyone enjoys going out for a run. You need the special running clothes. You need to go out in the wind/rain/sun or whatever weather you have on that particular day.

That’s why today I’m presenting you 10 exercises you can do at home that are more effective at burning fat than running.

Here they are:

1. Jumping Jacks
2. Burpees
3. Plank Jacks
4. Star Jumps
5. Squat and Kick
6. Plank
7. Mountain Climber
8. Super Mans
9. Squat Jacks
10. Up Up Down Down

I have compiled all of them in today’s video workout – so you can them ALL in one session at home! But please remember that you need to exercise EVERYDAY with this workout if you do want to see good fat loss results.

Let’s go and let’s begin the training and get us some good fat burning results! ❤️💪


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