10 Easy Exercises To Remove Back Pain And Tone Your Abs At The Same Time

5 years ago

Both the abs and the lower back are a part of our core. And a strong core is necessary for supporting our whole body. Even in mundane activities like sitting or standing, to exercising and running, it’s easy to say now that we need our core to be strong to be able to stabilize our bodies in everything that we do.

What if we can’t do a back pain workout or an abs exercise without hurting or feeling pain on the other? When you do a sit-up you can’t really go through it without engaging your back too, right? As we know, body-weight abs workouts have the ability to cause discomfort on our backs specifically the lower back especially when the muscles on your back are weaker than your abs muscles. So what can you do to address this situation? That’s what today’s workout video is for!

Super Mans
Swing Backs
Snow Angels
Side Bends
Slow Burpees
Scissor Kicks
Side Leg Raise
Jumping Jacks
Bird Dog

These are easy-to-do, body-weight exercises that you can do to alleviate the pain in your back whilst also burning the fat in your stomach. They’re back-friendly so you won’t be feeling as much pain in your back as does other abs exercises. However, just a reminder, if in case on of these exercises cause you pain, you should stop what you’re doing. If it’s painful, don’t do it anymore!

Good luck and exercise everyday to stay healthy!❤️💪


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