10 Best Exercises To Get Super Fit At Home

6 years ago

The fact that you need to go to the gym to get super fit and in shape is a pure myth.

You can very well get in great shape at home, by doing special body-weight exercises that maximize the calorie-burning results.

And today I present you such a video workout with 10 of the most effective exercises you can do at home to burn calories, get fit and look more attractive.

Here’s the entire exercise list:

1. Slow Burpees
2. Side Deep Squats
3. Cross Crunches
4. Thigh Lifts
5. Super Mans
6. Knee Push Ups
7. Lunges
8. Bridge
9. Side Leg Raise
10. Plank

All these exercises don’t require any special equipment, just your body and your dedication to work out everyday, regularly!

So let’s begin the training and let’s keep going and get fit!


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