10 At-Home Exercises To Get Rid Of Back Fat

6 years ago

In order to burn the fat in your back area, you need to perform back exercises that work the muscles in your back–lats, rhomboids, trapezius, and erector spinae–to consume the fat. You also need to perform cardio exercises that increase your heart rate and make your body burn even more calories and will make your muscles stronger and leaner.

And today’s workout will give you exactly that!

Heel Touch
Super Mans
Swing Backs
Lateral Arm Circles
Walk Downs
Bird Dog
Jumping Jacks
Back Turns

Not only are these simple, they are also effective in helping you achieve your goal of reducing the stubborn fat in your back! This workout is also great for those who have a sitting job (sitting all day in a chair), because this will strengthen your back muscles and prevent them from getting weak and useless!

But remember, you must do this on a daily basis if you actually want to see results. By doing this everyday for the next 3-4 weeks, you can expect to see the difference when you look in the mirror!

Good luck and let’s start the training! ❤️💪


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